Baked Sweet Potato with Crumbled Amaretti

I love sweet potatoes.  They’re so versatile.  They can be sweet or savory.  They can be a snack, a meal, a dessert or a vegetable.  Or, they can be a little bit of everything all at once.

Baked Sweet Potato with Crumbled Amaretti
makes 1

1 baked sweet potato, fresh out of the oven (see below)
1 teaspoon sweet butter, or to taste
sprinkle or two of turbinado sugar
sprinkle of cinnamon
2 crumbled Amaretti

Split sweet potato lengthwise and garnish, to taste.

Baked Sweet Potatoes

4 or more sweet potatoes
melted sweet butter, if desired

Place sweet potatoes in dutch oven, fill with water.  Remove potatoes and place dutch oven on the stove to boil.  When water is gently boiling, add potatoes.  Reduce to a simmer and cook for 5-6 minutes.  Remove potatoes.  Drain all but 1/2 inch of water.  Place potatoes carefully back in hot water, cover dutch oven and place in the oven.  Bake in a 325 degree oven for 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours, depending on the size of your potatoes.  If desired, brush the top of each potato with melted butter at the one hour mark.

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