Super Simple Carrot Salad

One day, I was grating vegetables in a food processor for a quick vegetable stock.  Hungry and looking for a way to use up a bit of roughly minced carrot , I whipped up this super simple salad.  And, now, it’s one of my favorite companions to a quick weekday sandwich or grilled meat… especially grilled or bbq chicken.

Carrot Salad
makes one small bowl

4-5 carrots, peeled
juice of one lemon
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper, finely ground

Place peeled carrots and juice of one lemon in a food processor and pulse to a rough mince.  (Or, use grating attachement.)  Place minced carrots in a medium sized bowl.  Add sugar, salt and finely ground black pepper.

Serve with sandwiches, grilled chicken breast or bbq’d meats.

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