Falafel & Pickled Onions

If you’re not a falafel fan, chances are good that you haven’t had a properly made falafel.

Falafel makes 14-16 small falafel

2 cups dried chickpeas (uncooked), soaked for 12-15 hours 1/2 cup bread crumbs, toasted 1 small Vidalia Onion 6 cloves garlic 1/2 cup cilantro […]


These black plum tomatoes are even more beautiful in real life. I was unable to capture the deep emerald green under the line of seeds. They’re a stunning addition to any salad. And, the flavor is unbelievable. It would be a shame to lose that rich tomato flavor. So, this […]

A Rainbow of Tomatoes

Yellow Heirloom Cherry Tomato

The first ripe tomatoes never made it through the back door. We popped them in our mouth …straight off the vine. That’s one of the benefits of a chemical free back yard garden. You know for a fact that there isn’t a single chemical […]

Tuna Noodle Salad

My mother is the cooking challenged member of our family. There are two stories that have haunted her life. One story involves nearly burning the house down as she let water boil completely down… melting an aluminum pan to the burner. She effectively destroyed both pan and stove. The stench […]

Roasted Radicchio & Endive

Allowing the heads to remain slightly damp, aids in the even application of olive oil and brings a little steam into the oven. This helps to evenly cook these hearty heads with lots of nooks and crannies.

(If you were to apply the olive oil to dry heads, […]

Warm Samosa Stuffin’ Salad

I love samosas. But, I don’t always want the guilt of the deep fried wrapper. That’s when I turn the filling into a warm salad. The samosa filling is perfect for this. It’s got a ton of flavor and it’s filling enough to satisfy as a meal.

Warm […]

Watermelon Salad

TWO SALADS — One Savory, One Sweet

Watermelon, Mint & Basil

1/2 of one small seedless watermelon, cubed 1 small bunch mint, leaves only 1 small bunch basil, leaves only juice of one lemon 2 Tablespoons olive oil, or to taste Salt & pepper, to taste


Berry Salad

Happy New Year!

What’s a great way to doctor up out of season berries? Whip them into a salad. Sweet or savory, marinate firm, tart berries in a citrusy spirit, with a squeeze of lemon or just a sprinkle of sugar to bring out their flavor. It’s shockingly […]

A Rainbow of Radishes

The radishes are finally big enough to eat! We’ve seen cream, pink, red & white, deep red, and red with darker red stripes. But, they all taste the same… spicy. Not just a little bit spicy, oh no, they’re fire breathing, eye watering, mouth full of wasabi HOT. A result […]

Mr Stripey

Mr Stripey doesn’t like the heat. Last year we had over 20 huge tomatoes. This year? We’ve seen about 10 tomatoes on the same number of plants. And, several of those 10 weren’t pretty.

So, it would be a crime not to showcase the handful of gorgeous tomatoes […]