Honey Syrup

Honey syrup…

It’s not just for cocktails. You could use this to sweeten tea. Drizzle it over a buttered biscuit or bowl of oatmeal. I like it over a small bowl of yogurt topped with granola clusters and nuts. And, I’ll be testing it out in several recipes […]

Ginger Tea

Another Year, Another Cold

I nipped this one at the first tickle in my throat with oregano oil. It’s not a miracle cure. But, either I’m in better shape this year or it successfully cut the length of this cold in half. As usual, I munched on buttered […]

Bee Pollen & Raw Honey

There’s always something in bloom. If you have allergies, some of those things are more bothersome than others. Is it goldenrod aggravating your allergies or common ragweed? It’s probably the more ordinary looking common ragweed that’s a problem for you given the nature of its pollen. The pollen of goldenrod […]

Turkey Soup with Green Chiles

We’re not soup people. We’re more likely to go for a bowl of chili or a hearty stew. But, it’s definitely time to sneak a few more soups into the supper schedule while there’s a chill in the air. Whether those sniffles were caused by a cold, flu or pollen, […]



It can refer to any tiny pasta. Or, it might refer to a dish made by Italian grandmothers everywhere. It’s a simple blend of chicken soup, broth, stock, and veggies. My grandmother added the pastina directly to the chicken soup. So, that’s how I make it. This […]