Monkey Butter

This was love at first taste.  To be brief, this is tropical jam perfection.  I love coconut.  So, I’ve added a lot of shredded coconut to my jam.  But, feel free to add coconut to your own taste.

Make this NOW!  You won’t be sorry.

Psst… this a great way to make use of all those bananas that have passed their prime, too.

Monkey Butter
makes over 4 cups

2 cups over-ripe bananas, peeled
2 cups sugar
3 Tablespoons vinegar (rice wine or apple cider)
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup shredded coconut, or to taste, at the end

Combine bananas, sugar and vinegar in a large saucepan.  Stir with a wooden spoon until the bananas have a pureed consistency.  Place over moderate heat and bring to a boil.  Add 1/2 cup coconut.  The mixture will get quite runny.  Stir constantly and continue to boil gently.  The mixture will thicken.  Watch this mixture carefully at all times.  It may splatter molten hot sugar syrup.  Carefully watch and stir, lowering the heat as needed to prevent splatters.  After about 10 minutes or so, it should be the proper consistency.  Add remaining coconut and let simmer an additional few minutes.  It will continue to thicken into a beautiful jam in just a few minutes.

Serve on biscuits, bagels, or toast.  Or, make peanut butter sandwiches.

Still warm from the pot, it was delicious on toast.

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