Roasted Radicchio & Endive

Allowing the heads to remain slightly damp, aids in the even application of olive oil and brings a little steam into the oven.  This helps to evenly cook these hearty heads with lots of nooks and crannies.

(If you were to apply the olive oil to dry heads, it would take an excessive amount of olive oil to do the job.  And, it would turn these beautiful fresh heads into a greasy mess.)

Roasted Radicchio & Endive

1 head Radiccio, washed & cut into wedges
4 heads endive, washed & cut into wedges

olive oil, as needed
red wine vinegar, as needed
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

In a large bowl, toss damp wedges with olive oil and a light drizzle of red wine vinegar.  Spread evenly over a large roasting pan.  Sprinkle with salt & pepper.  Roast for 25-30 minutes, or until edges begin to turn crispy & golden.

Drizzle with a very small amount of balsamic vinegar, if desired.  Serve as a warm salad or toss with whole grain pasta and make it a meal.

Some shiitake mushrooms provide a lovely edible garnish to the dish.

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